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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Citezen Kane Analysis

After watching Citizen Kane for the first time i quickly gained a appreciation for why this movie has been so widely celebrated. Citizen Kane was a spectacular film that combined all of the film attributes we have learned about to help produce a high quality movie. In particular the acting, directing, photography, were all pinnacle to the development and success of the movie.
To begin Orsen Wells and his supporting actors absolutely blew me away in this movie. Wells ability to perpetuate the deterioration of his character throughout the movie was incredible. He managed to build up the audiences admiration in the beginning and eventually turn it into a dislike or sorrowful feeling. Ruth Warrick also did an astounding job. Between the two actors a real sense of connection and then disconnect was portrayed. The natural and convincing performance of the actors really helped to sell the movies theme.
Secondly the directing of Citizen Kane was also very impressive. Naturally since Orson Wells was also the writer and actor in citizen Kane there was a great connection from the intent of the written form of the movie and movie itself. In particular Wells did an excellent job using all of his possible -- to help the story. TO go further on this Wells use of lighting and sound in the movie were great selections that brought the movie together. The lighting in the movie was very dramatic. All of the scenes were strewn with bright and dark light, setting a sort of contrast that paralleled the stark contrast in Kanes persona. Kane in the beginning of the movie was always shot with very bright light and in the end was shot with very low and dark lighting. Often times his figure was silhouetted, to emphasize Kanes foreign persona. Once a man who stood up for whats right, Kane had become what he had fought against, in turn he lost his identity(darkness covering his facial features).  The sounds in the movie further emphasized the emotions in the movie as well. Wells fine directing helped him to carry out the themes of the movie.
Lastly the photography in the movie was incredible. The numerous silhouetted shouts, different angles and distance and focuses all helped perpetuate the film. My favorite example of the fine filming in Citizen Kane is in the end of the movie when Kane and his wife are sitting far away form each other. One in a arm chair and one underneath the fire place. The shot is paned out so that both characters can be seen, the space in between them shows the disconnect in their marriage. Kane resting in his chair is covered in silhouette. The old looking man is juxtaposed by the juvenile wife who sits on the ground by the fire place playing with a puzzle. This mis en scene further propels the theme of separation in the movie. Although this is a very well used scene i really felt it was spectacular, despite its popularity.
Overall i really enjoyed the movie and really appreciated all of the different cinematographic elements used in it.