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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Matrix Analysis

  After watching "The Matrix" I was struck by how closely the plot of the movie resembled some christian ideologies . I was further intrigued after reading the Marxist reading, to see the parallels between Marxism and "The Matrix"."The Matrix" in both cases creates a separation of two distinct worlds: the matrix and the real world. Under religious parallel this could represent the material world and spiritual world. Under Marxism the two worlds represent a capitalistic society, which has destroyed society and the new world where revolt has eradicated capitalism.
     In a more depth analysis there are many more parallels between"The Matrix: and Christianity. To begin with the main character Neo (stands for new and is anagram for one) greatly resembles the Christ figure in my opinion. He chose to live life outside of the matrix. In the real world Neo was able to bed the rules of the matrix. This parallels the life of Jesus, which did not consists of matter. Free from material restrictions, Jesus walked on water and completely reshaped our perception of reality. In the movie itself, Neo is called "my own little Jesus Christ". Neo's role as the "One" greatly resembles Jesus and his role as the savior. Jesus showed the spiritual way while Neo showed the  non programmed way. Either way both saviors were shepherds herding the sheep away form a false life. Lastly both characters die and are resurrected this proving their dominion over matter of the matrix. In turn through their death, they proved their dominion over the falsified worlds.
       Trinity in the resurrection scene seemed to resemble Marry Magdalene to me. Marry Magdalene was a close follower of Jesus much like Trinity was of Neo. Furthermore, Marry Magdalene  was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection, just as Trinity was with Neo. Some reviews believe Trinity represented the holy ghost but I feel more compelled to believe my first assertion. Just as Trinity represented a biblical character, Cypher also parallels a biblical character. Much like Judah, Cypher a follower of the chosen one, sold away the secrets of his master to the enemy.
     Lastly there are little biblical allusions throughout the entire story. Neo dies in room 303, and Jesus' resurrection took 3 days. The release of the movie occurred on Easter weekend. Different names in the movie parallel biblical names: Trinity, Nebakenezar, Zion and so on. It is evident due to the past evidence that there is at least a minor Christian undertone in the "The Matrix".

The matrix analysis


The Matrix Annalysis
