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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Citezen Kane Analysis

After watching Citizen Kane for the first time i quickly gained a appreciation for why this movie has been so widely celebrated. Citizen Kane was a spectacular film that combined all of the film attributes we have learned about to help produce a high quality movie. In particular the acting, directing, photography, were all pinnacle to the development and success of the movie.
To begin Orsen Wells and his supporting actors absolutely blew me away in this movie. Wells ability to perpetuate the deterioration of his character throughout the movie was incredible. He managed to build up the audiences admiration in the beginning and eventually turn it into a dislike or sorrowful feeling. Ruth Warrick also did an astounding job. Between the two actors a real sense of connection and then disconnect was portrayed. The natural and convincing performance of the actors really helped to sell the movies theme.
Secondly the directing of Citizen Kane was also very impressive. Naturally since Orson Wells was also the writer and actor in citizen Kane there was a great connection from the intent of the written form of the movie and movie itself. In particular Wells did an excellent job using all of his possible -- to help the story. TO go further on this Wells use of lighting and sound in the movie were great selections that brought the movie together. The lighting in the movie was very dramatic. All of the scenes were strewn with bright and dark light, setting a sort of contrast that paralleled the stark contrast in Kanes persona. Kane in the beginning of the movie was always shot with very bright light and in the end was shot with very low and dark lighting. Often times his figure was silhouetted, to emphasize Kanes foreign persona. Once a man who stood up for whats right, Kane had become what he had fought against, in turn he lost his identity(darkness covering his facial features).  The sounds in the movie further emphasized the emotions in the movie as well. Wells fine directing helped him to carry out the themes of the movie.
Lastly the photography in the movie was incredible. The numerous silhouetted shouts, different angles and distance and focuses all helped perpetuate the film. My favorite example of the fine filming in Citizen Kane is in the end of the movie when Kane and his wife are sitting far away form each other. One in a arm chair and one underneath the fire place. The shot is paned out so that both characters can be seen, the space in between them shows the disconnect in their marriage. Kane resting in his chair is covered in silhouette. The old looking man is juxtaposed by the juvenile wife who sits on the ground by the fire place playing with a puzzle. This mis en scene further propels the theme of separation in the movie. Although this is a very well used scene i really felt it was spectacular, despite its popularity.
Overall i really enjoyed the movie and really appreciated all of the different cinematographic elements used in it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Moon a movie Synthesis

I have seen very few serious movies more than twice in my lifetime. My list consists of a handful of movies but amongst the group one remains supreme. Moon a suspenseful mind-twisting movie released in the UK in 2009 has quickly moved in my ranks to the top of my favorite movie list. Directed by Duncan Jones, Moon is a simple movie in which an astronaut is placed in a space station on the moon for a 3-year work period. All alone in the station, excluding a robot Gerti to keep him company, the main character finds out that he is not the only person in the station. As the plot develops the main character Sam Bell, done by Sam Rockwell, discovers that he has a clone. As the movie continues the viewer is left wondering who is the real Sam and wondering if Sam is even human.


The cinematography in moon although seemingly simple is critical to the development of the movie. In particular the use of different shots, angles, lighting and colors really helps to build the movie. To begin with, color in the movie although bland is purposefully manipulated. Being set on the moon there is very little color introduced in the scenery. The vast majority of the setting is grey black and white. This bland palate of color helps to instill a bland and alone feeling in the movie. In this way the color scheme really helps to perpetuate the initial feeling that Sam is all alone up in the space station. Further the film is shot in very low contrast outside of the space station. This further perpetuated the feeling of loneliness and also creates an eerie feeling. On the other hand when Sam is inside of the station, the movie is shot in very high contrast, making the whites pop out. This helps create an empty and space like feeling. Brighter colors are used to perpetuate a happy feeling. For instance the smiley face on Gerti used to designate emotions is in yellow and blue. Also when the new clone is awakened, he in one scene wears a yellow jump suit, he being a newer clone is more healthy and happy while the original Sam is dressed in a dark jump suit and is in poor emotional and health condition. Second the use of lighting in the movie adds to the affects of photography. In happy and tranquil scenes bright lighting is used to instill a positive feeling. In contrast during moments of chaos or unhappiness, a dark lighting affect is used. Back lighting is used to cast silhouettes and shadows to further help this. Lastly there is a great use of shots and angles. Distant shots help create the space in the movie that instills a feeling of empty and loneliness. When Sam and his clone occupy the space station, the shots are brought in more close to create a feeling of occupancy. Also large up close shots in the movie are used to show certain emotions or to highlight certain events. When Sam’s health takes a turn for the worse in the movie, close-ups are used to show the deterioration of his health. In one instance a birds eye angle coupled with full shot are used to show Sam getting sick in the movie. The shot allows the viewer to see Sam in a fetal position next to a toilet spattered with blood. This image really pushes the fact that Sam is dying, by using the photography to communicate this message to the viewer, Moon’s cinematography does a great job shaping the movie.

Mise En Scene

In Moon all of the shots are a great collection of purposefully placed characters in which different affects help highlight different themes of the movie. I found one particular shot to be particularly brilliant though. In one of the most momentous events in Moon, Sam is approached by his clone about the reality that Sam is also a clone. The scene begins with a great neutral angled full shot in which Sams’ clone is in the front of the frame in focus and Sam is in the back out of focus. The out of focus Sam helps to build the theme of Sam’s decreasing health and the disconnect between the two characters. The viewer’s eyes are immediately attracted to the new Sam’s yellow jump suit, a clean fresh yellow that reflects the fresh new health of the clone. The distance between the two portrays a distance between their mindsets but also parallels their existence. Both Sams are sitting and are in a line in the frame. This alignment creates a similarity between the two clones. The lighting is clear and helps highlight both characters. The closed form shot is composed of two planes, one in which the fresh clone sits and the other where the dying Sam resides. Both placements are pinnacle to the shot; the separation is a non-verbal way of highlighting the separation of the characters physically and mentally in the movie.


In Moon movement is used to help create a feeling of emptiness or help emphasize the movement seen in the characters. For example, in the scenes where Sam is feeling isolated and alone, the camera pans across the hallways of the space station, searching for Sam to come into view. This movement helps create a feeling of emptiness. On the opposite side, when Sam rides in the lunar mobile, a fixed camera shot is used to emphasize the movement of the vehicle. The camera is focused on Sam and the window he sits next to as the moons scenery races by in the window. Fixed movements such as freeze-frames are used in the movie to emphasize a critical event in the movie. Such is evident when the dying Sam is placed inside of the lunar mobile to pass on. The camera pans out until he dies, then the camera freezes, such shots emphasize an event.


In Moon there is naturally a general lack of sound in the movie. This further propagates the space like feeling that the movie is set in. Sound in the movie also helps parallel Moon to a similar movie. The sound that does occur in the movie is usually classical piano. Classical music was also used in a similar space movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. This use of sound helps to build the parallels between the two movies. The use of dramatic and mysterious sounds also helps build the suspense when Sam is searching for all of the unawake clones. Lastly the use of sound in the movie helps represent a character’s inner desires. Sam listens to rock in the movie as an escape. His alarm is set to a rock song, when the song ends, Sam must leave his dreaming behind and continue with his reality. Just the same when Sam’s clone begins to discover that both he and Sam are clones, Sam uses rock to drown out his clones plea to listen to his logic.


The movie is all third person point of view. With this and the fact that there is one main character, Duncan Jones uses different implementations to keep the movie interesting. Sam in the movie has video messages of his wife that he watches. That along with the presence of Gerti, a talking robot: the movie never sees a dull moment and the monologue like acting is very entertaining. With the seldom assistance of Dominique McElligott as the video recorded wife, Sam Rockwell does an excellent job in the first half of the movie acting alone. Sam’s clone is played by Robin Chalk. Robin did an excellent job mimicking the mannerisms of Sam Rockewell and makes it impossible to decipher the two clones apart.


Moon is set on the dark side of the Moon during current times. The majority of the film mostly takes place in an American space station created to harvest energy. Being set on the moon, naturally very few shots are natural. The movie was filmed in the England a vast majority of which was filmed in studios. Use of computer-generated images was also used. Costumes were exemplary of space like outfits. The cloths were all typically dressed in space suits. In a particular scene the use of a different colorful costume created a large juxtaposition between two clones. As previously discussed the yellow suit helped to separate the two clones. Make up was also used to help create this effect. Sam as time went on became paler and paler, eventually acquiring some bleeding along the mouth. This use of makeup to differentiate the two clones helped develop the story line.


The storyline of moon is one of simplicity with hidden complexities. To expound, Moon follows the classical paradigm described by Aristotle. On the other hand the path of rising action is very tumultuous and sometimes confusing. Duncan Jones does an excellent job keeping the viewers mind running the entire movie. The source of all chaos in the movie is circulated around Sams’ dilemma of whether he is a clone or the model of the clones that will come to follow him. As the movie progresses Sam continues to discover reasons to believe that he is in fact a clone. On the other hand the director uses Sam’s hope of not being a clone to leave the viewer questioning until the end of the movie who and who is not a clone. The rising action reaches a climax when Sam discovers the true answer to his questions about being a clone.


Moons screenplay writer Nathan Parker was responsible for rewriting the complex story of Moon, which was created by the movies director Duncan Jones. The screenplay is a serious and mysterious piece. Pieced together with moments of humor the screenplay is a very dramatic piece that shapes the intriguing storyline of the movie.


Moons classic theme of cloning is very prevalent in today’s society. Moon brings to attention the problems with cloning. In Moon, director Duncan Jones manages to show the tragedies that can follow from cloning. Throughout the movie Sam is built into this very tangible human. As he begins to die and feel remorse for his lack of true life the viewer is instilled with a very remorseful feeling as well. I do not believe that the movie explicitly attempts to persuade the viewer to rise up against cloning but it definitely attempts to create an underlying theme of the negative externalities of cloning and a push for technological advancement. Through the portrayal of the solitary, physical and mental misery of Sam, the reader cannot help feeling a sense of discourse against cloning.


Seeing that Moon was produced and initially released in the UK, response and celebration of Moon has also been most widely seen in the UK. Moon has won numerous British and American awards for its performance, most notably Moon won the Best Independent British film and Duncan Jones won numerous awards for his directing.
In my opinion Moon is a great success. With a small budget, Moon accomplished what some big budget movies fail to. Moon is a suspenseful, gripping and exciting movie. Actors Sam Rockwell and Robin Chalk both give brilliant performances. The actors ability to create such action and suspense with a small dialogue is incredible. Moon thanks to a brilliant playwright and director is a superb suspense that I strongly recommend.

Monday, November 15, 2010

In Your Face Punk

      In The Great Rock and Roll Swindle, the outrageous lives of the sex pistols is documented in a in your face style. The directing seen in this movie sets the film far apart from all others during its time. The use of alcohol, sex, drugs, and abstract events really pushed the envelope for movies of its time. This directing appropriately paralleled the persona portrayed by the punks of the time and more appropriately the sex pistols. The whole movie was under-toned with a anarchy-like feel, best perpetuated by the scene in which the sex pistols played on the river. The song God Save the Queen, a revolutionary song because of its blatant call out against the government, specifically against the queen, played in this sequence. In this scene shots of resistance of arrests and other anti establishment clips were pieced together. Once again the directing and cinematography completely matched the vibes of the Sex Pistols. This movie was a perfect representation of what the band represented and portrayed: anarchy, chaos, anti-establishment and other such rebellious traits.
       In my personal opinion the movie was a little too over the top and outlandish which in my opinion nullified its effect. The movie seemed at times surreal and forced. At times i felt as if i was watching another surrealist movie created by Dali. On the other hand i feel like it perfectly portrays a the Sex Pistols. There is no doubt that the group was a wild one and this movie does not in the least bit fall short of wild.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The War on Kids

After watching the war on kids i was intrigued as to how closely some of the gruesome examples of the zero tolerance paralleled my school experience in Tampa. Growing up using the public schooling system i was a first hand witness to the terrible overkill seen by the advocacy of the zero tolerance policy.  Also i had the opportunity to be "jailed" for the first 12 years of my schooling. The strongest parallel between the movie and schooling i witnessed was at chamberlain high school. Located 2 hours away from Rollins I saw numerous people tasered, expelled and arrested for various child like mistakes. The problem was the kids were being treated as adults. A fight resulted in arrest, something that permanently affects you, having a plastic knife results in suspension and potential expulsion and worst off gereal child like mischief resulted in direct conference with authorities. No one ever saw the principal. Personally i almost saw my brother charged with the felony account of use of a deadly missile when he threw an apple at someone. I saw a pregnant girl get tasered, numerous friends arrested for traffiking when they were caught smoking pot and other such overkill. The events no doubt warrented punishment but nothing of the caliber that was earned. The saddest part is i never realized anything was wrong. I just thought that i had no room for mistakes. The jail like presence that engulfed the school had numbed me into a belief that all is well and normal. After watching the war on kids on the other hand i realized how problematic the situation is. Kids no longer are being taught that honesty is the best rout, they are being taught to distrust authoritative figures and worst of all have been given no chance to succeed because of the horrible repercussions of punishment.
        Recently in chamberlain four seniors in the mentally challenged wing were expelled because of the possession of protective weapons. These four students were in the mentally challenged wing because of post dramatic stress that was a result of a protection issue. Three of the four girls were carrying pepper spray for their protection, one a knife. The girl who yielded the knife had recently been raped and only felt safe when carrying the protective weapon with her.  All four girls despite their condition were expelled for their lack of adherence to the school policies. Such events enrage me.
      The war on kids through its use of directing did a great job instilling the feeling of remorse and anger that is proper for these situations. It makes the viewer want to do something. The well peiced together movie calls to individuals to help in a situation where help is direly needed. Without the good editing and use of factual material, the movie would have no such affect. The movie opened my eyes to how wrong my school was and how change is needed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Matrix Analysis

  After watching "The Matrix" I was struck by how closely the plot of the movie resembled some christian ideologies . I was further intrigued after reading the Marxist reading, to see the parallels between Marxism and "The Matrix"."The Matrix" in both cases creates a separation of two distinct worlds: the matrix and the real world. Under religious parallel this could represent the material world and spiritual world. Under Marxism the two worlds represent a capitalistic society, which has destroyed society and the new world where revolt has eradicated capitalism.
     In a more depth analysis there are many more parallels between"The Matrix: and Christianity. To begin with the main character Neo (stands for new and is anagram for one) greatly resembles the Christ figure in my opinion. He chose to live life outside of the matrix. In the real world Neo was able to bed the rules of the matrix. This parallels the life of Jesus, which did not consists of matter. Free from material restrictions, Jesus walked on water and completely reshaped our perception of reality. In the movie itself, Neo is called "my own little Jesus Christ". Neo's role as the "One" greatly resembles Jesus and his role as the savior. Jesus showed the spiritual way while Neo showed the  non programmed way. Either way both saviors were shepherds herding the sheep away form a false life. Lastly both characters die and are resurrected this proving their dominion over matter of the matrix. In turn through their death, they proved their dominion over the falsified worlds.
       Trinity in the resurrection scene seemed to resemble Marry Magdalene to me. Marry Magdalene was a close follower of Jesus much like Trinity was of Neo. Furthermore, Marry Magdalene  was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection, just as Trinity was with Neo. Some reviews believe Trinity represented the holy ghost but I feel more compelled to believe my first assertion. Just as Trinity represented a biblical character, Cypher also parallels a biblical character. Much like Judah, Cypher a follower of the chosen one, sold away the secrets of his master to the enemy.
     Lastly there are little biblical allusions throughout the entire story. Neo dies in room 303, and Jesus' resurrection took 3 days. The release of the movie occurred on Easter weekend. Different names in the movie parallel biblical names: Trinity, Nebakenezar, Zion and so on. It is evident due to the past evidence that there is at least a minor Christian undertone in the "The Matrix".

The matrix analysis


The Matrix Annalysis


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blade Runner

        Blade Runner is yet another distopian future movie that uses its dark lighting and scenery to invoke a very dreary and foreign feeling to the movie.  All of the costumes, background, and overall props in the movie are all dark, the music is always heavy with a slow moving tempo. All of which depict a very eerie movie. I found the close up shots and use of silhouetted lighting also very interesting, such teqniques further proogated the mysterious feeling. Such amibiguity was most evident in the replicas and harrison ford. In such cases half of the actors face was often siloeted by light. Such ligh focus bring attention to the character but more importantly highlights the possible two sidedness of the character.
      It is for this reason and a couple of others that i feel that Harrison Fords character is a replica. To begin with in the beginning of the movie, the creator of the replicas is oddly fond of Ford, despite his profession of killing off his creations. Furthermore he is very inquisitive about how he can tell if one is a replica or not. Lats form this particular scene the creator mentions that he was able to implement fictional memories into the replicas brains. After this discussion, the conversation is dubbed into the soundtrack on occasional times. On all occasions Harrison Fords character is looking perplexed, heavy in a deep state of mind. When he returns from his visit with the creator,  he plays the piano while looking at some old insignificant pictures of his family. The odd assembly of them makes the pictures feel more trivial then sentimental. Lastly his interactions with his love finalize my belief. She at one point asks Ford if he had ever tested himself. There is an awkward pause in the movie following the comment. Lastly the parallels connected between the two are more than just coincidental. Both play the piano and are obsessed with the old photographs of their family.
     Aside from Harrison Fords replica like character i found it very amusing that all of the replicas function better and more normal than the humans in the movie.Although they were all interesting and they individually seemed to be more developed and carry a greater persona than most other characters( not Harrison Ford). Regardless of my feeling the over all creation of this movie is very ambiguous and leaves many questions answered.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Brazil Analysis

      After watching Brazil I was on sensory overload. The cluttered framing and chaotic movement throughout the entire movie gave the movie a very crowded and active feeling. I feel that the chaos was created to show the viewer the downfalls of technology. Throughout the entire movie technology is constantly breaking, causing troubles, and generally inconveniencing others. By framing the scenes with such a crazy feel, the director is trying to show that technology does not make things easier, it makes things worse on occasion. This is further supported by the few scenes in the movie that are peaceful and happy. In the early dream sequences, there is barely any technology involved, the scene is beautiful and peaceful. In the final dream sequence the two main actors once again find themselves in a setting with little technology. The scene is peaceful and happy. The lack of chaos and brighter lighting emits this feeling.
     As a whole I felt the movie was a satire bashing industrialism and the rush to better technology. Minor underlying themes such as the main actors subconscious played by Robert Dinero, totalitarian like state of the government and many others helped to further argue against technology. Most importantly though, Sam Lowry portrays a very important juxtaposed role in the movie. He is one of the few who is not satisfied with technology, constantly fighting against it he battles to find peace inside the insane world he lives in. There are a plethora of examples that exemplify his desire to escape. To begin with his dreams clearly depict a desire to escape the shackles of technology. He desires to fly free from the dark and decrepit city that has locked away his beauty. In reality it is much the same, he finds his escape form everything in the simple joy of love. In the restaurant scene he becomes enraged with the ordering system and the reliance of all the others at the table on technology. Lastly when his air conditioning goes out, he finds comfort in his old refrigerator. One of the few pieces of technology in the movie that was not altered.
       Sam Lowry battles against society to show them the better way the entire movie. For this reason I also noticed that the director painted him to resemble the Christ figure. In the dream sequence he is mounted on the wings and positioned on them much like he would be on a cross. At the ending of the movie, when his mind leaves him as he is being tortured he realizes his highest desires (a world with love and without technology), when the dream ends the characters hands are both bleeding from holes in his hand, his head has been crowned with a helmet and his crusades have been put to an end by a totalitarian force.